Uganda Professional Science Teachers' Union – UPSTU

A Labour Union for all Science Teachers in Uganda

UPSTU includes all teachers of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, ICT, Agriculture, Physical Education, Food and Nutrition in Secondary schools and other science teachers of instructors in certificate and diploma awarding institutions like NTCs, PTCs, and BTVET (Teachers / Lecturers / Tutors, Instructors and Principles), Instructors / Principles of National Instructors’s Colleges (NIC), among others.

Science: Is defined as the observations, identification, description, experimental investigation and theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.

A Scientist: Is a person who studied and graduated from an educational institution with specialization in one of the science disciplines or according to Collins English Dictionary, a scientist is a person who studied and has expert knowledge of one or more of nature or physical sceinces. A scientist is, therefore, somenone who has studied science and whose job is to teach or do research.

Benefits of joining the union

Elevate your role as a science educator by joining the Uganda Professional Science Teachers’ Union (UPSTU).

  • As a member, you amplify your voice for better working conditions and fair compensation.
  • Access professional development resources, networking opportunities, and a wealth of educational materials.
  • Benefit from financial growth avenues through the SACCO.
  • Mentorship for career advancement, and engagement in impactful community initiatives.
  • Be part of a passionate community dedicated to enhancing science education in Uganda.

Join UPSTU and be a catalyst for positive change.




UPSTU includes all teachers of Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, ICT, Agriculture, Physical Education, Food and Nutrition in Secondary schools and science tutors / instructors / lecturers in tertiary institutions.


Fill a membership form available at

  • 1.UPSTU head offices or
  • 2. Any of the regional offices across the country.
  • 3. UPSTU website and email it to