Uganda Professional Science Teachers' Union – UPSTU

Message from UPTSU Members SACCO

UPSTU Members’ SACCO is a  fully registered cooperative that was started by science teachers in 2020 with an aim of empowering themselves to enhance their savings and access convenient credit facilities to promote their social economic welfare.

During the past few years, the SACCO has:

· rapidly grown its membership,

· built a big saving pool and share capital,

· kick started the loan scheme through which members enjoy low interest loans.

· employed support staff

· installed a sacco management system where members can access services from anywhere using their phones

The SACCO is run by a powerful board which has established a cordial relationship with the union and other financial institutions.

I appeal to all members of UPSTU to join their own financial institution in pursuit of financial independence.


· 1. Fill a membership form available at 

· 2. Pay a membership fee of UGX 50,000 (payable once)

· 3. Pay minimum shares purchase (5) each at UGX 10,000

· 4. Start saving (min UGX 20,000)

“Save Together,
Grow Together”.

Luyima Edward,



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