To earn extra income, many science teachers often juggle part-time teaching roles in multiple schools or venture into business activities such as operating shops, which can be time-intensive and potentially compromise their professional teaching duties. Some headteachers have expressed concerns that after the salary enhancement for science teachers, instances of absenteeism and focus on personal errands increased.
On one hand, UPSTU Members’ SACCO aims to empower science teachers economically… during our recent AGM, we distributed dividends to members with SACCO shares. We also offer development loans at low-interest rates to boost our members . On the other hand, our union (Uganda Professional Science Teachers Union) remains dedicated to promoting the professionalism and commitment of its members.
In this session, Mr. Kwizera Robert (UPSTU Members’ SACCO Chairperson) shares practical tips on how science teachers can balance successful investments with unwavering professional excellence.
Join us every Thursdays 8-9pm for ProDev Hour via Zoom