This insightful ProDev Hour session focused on the crucial role of science teachers in ensuring integrity and excellence during the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) end-of-cycle assessments. Led by Mwijuka Paul, a dedicated teacher of Mathematics and Physics, the discussion explored the responsibilities of teachers in preparing students, managing practical exams, and maintaining exam integrity. Key Highlights: -The role of science teachers in covering the syllabus, teaching concepts, and preparing students for assessments.
- Addressing the challenges of preparing practical exams, including a lack of apparatus, proper use of chemicals, and managing lab attendants.
- Emphasis on upholding integrity and avoiding examination malpractice, allowing students to demonstrate their skills independently.
-A sharing session where members reflected on the upcoming exams, teamwork, and the importance of maintaining professionalism and trust. The session concluded with a strong call to action for teachers to continue prioritizing integrity, and excellence as they prepare students for the first-ever CBC end-of-cycle assessment.