Uganda Professional Science Teachers' Union – UPSTU

Work-life Balance For Teachers: Physical Wellness In A Demanding Profession | ProDev Hour 12/12/24 Speaker Begumisa Julius

The Uganda Professional Science Teachers Union (UPSTU) recently held another enriching session of its weekly Professional Development Hour (ProDev Hour) program. This highly engaging session, which took place on Thu 12th Dec, brought together teachers and education stakeholders to discuss the crucial topic of Work-Life Balance for Teachers: Physical Wellness in a Demanding Profession.

The ProDev Hour program continues to serve as a vital platform for empowering science teachers across Uganda. Moderated by the eloquent Reverend Ahereza Axonee, the session featured Mr. Julius Begumisa, the Chairperson for UPSTU Youth Committee, who shared invaluable insights on how teachers can strike a balance between their demanding professional roles and their personal wellness.

The Vital Role of Science Teachers in Uganda

The session began with an acknowledgment of the indispensable role of science teachers in Uganda’s education system. Science subjects, being compulsory in secondary schools, place a unique and significant responsibility on these educators.

Mr. Julius highlighted how the recent salary increments for science professionals have led to an unprecedented surge in student enrollment in science classes, as evidenced by the trend of

Trend of Entries for Mathematics and Sciences in the last five years. Source: UNEB

This trend, while a positive development for the nation, has also resulted in increased workloads for teachers. Science educators are now faced with the dual challenge of preparing theoretical and practical lessons while managing large class sizes. The growing demand for their expertise has made their profession more challenging than ever before.

Challenges Faced by Teachers

Throughout the discussion, the participants reflected on the difficulties many science teachers encounter in their daily lives. Long hours spent preparing lessons, conducting practical sessions, marking assessments, and meeting administrative targets have taken a toll on their physical and mental well-being.

A Chemistry teacher attends to a learner during a practical.

The discussion brought to light how teachers often sacrifice time meant for family, sports, and recreation in a bid to meet professional demands. These sacrifices, while made out of dedication to their students, frequently lead to stress, burnout, and a diminished quality of life.

Why Teacher Wellness Matters

Mr. Julius reiterated an important truth: A healthy teacher is an effective teacher. He emphasized that neglecting physical wellness has far-reaching consequences—not just for the teacher but also for their students and the broader education system.

The session also underscored the significant risks faced by teachers who lead sedentary, high-stress lifestyles. Mr. Julius pointed out that teachers are particularly vulnerable to Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs account for 74% of all deaths globally, highlighting the importance of prioritizing wellness.

Causes of Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs)

Government Policy on Physical Activity

A particularly interesting part of the session was the discussion on government directives promoting physical wellness in workplaces. The attendees reflected on a March 2024 letter Public Service, calling for weekly two-hour physical exercise sessions in public institutions.

•Quote from a  March 13 2024 letter that Ms Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, the head of Public Service. “This is to request you to institute a two-hour weekly physical exercise session in your respective entities for purposes of promoting good health. Give this matter the attention it deserves because it will help to save the lives of your staff and reduce the disease burden,” she wrote.

The question raised was: How many schools have implemented such programs for teachers? Participants were urged to take the lead in advocating for and implementing physical activity programs at their respective institutions.

Practical Tips for Science Teachers

Mr. Julius shared a range of actionable strategies to help teachers maintain physical wellness, despite their busy schedules:

  • Balance Work and Rest: Avoid overworking and moonlighting to ensure adequate rest and recovery.
  • Adopt Healthy Habits: Maintain a balanced diet, drink sufficient water, and get regular health checkups.
  • Collaborate with Physical Education (PE) Teachers: Work together to implement physical activities for both students and staff.
  • Limit Screen Time: Particularly for ICT teachers, reducing screen time is essential for eye health and mental well-being.
  • Monitor BMI and Weight: Teachers were encouraged to calculate their Body Mass Index (BMI) as a step towards understanding and managing their health.

Youth Initiatives by UPSTU

The session concluded with a message from the UPSTU Youth Committee, led by Mr. Begumisa, the Chairperson. The committee is committed to addressing wellness challenges faced by science teachers. Their plans include:

  • Organizing youth-focused wellness activities, such as sports.
  • Engaging in career guidance and counseling for teachers entering the profession.
  • Promoting physical activity and healthy habits in training institutions and schools.

Through these initiatives, UPSTU aims to empower teachers to prioritize wellness and embrace a holistic approach to their professional and personal lives.

A Call to Action

The session ended with a strong call to action:

  • Teachers were encouraged to adopt healthy habits and make physical wellness a priority.
  • Schools were urged to implement PE programs for both staff and students.
  • Participants were invited to engage actively with UPSTU’s wellness initiatives, leveraging the union’s support to improve their well-being.

Final Thoughts

The ProDev Hour session was yet another successful endeavor by UPSTU to uplift science teachers and address the challenges they face. The emphasis on physical wellness serves as a reminder that taking care of one’s health is not only a personal responsibility but also a professional necessity.

As the evening drew to a close, teachers left the session inspired and motivated to take actionable steps toward better health and work-life balance.

Stay tuned for next week’s ProDev Hour session, where we will explore another exciting and relevant topic. Together, let’s continue to empower science teachers to excel in their careers while maintaining their well-being.

For inquiries, suggestions, or participation, contact us at 0704647100.

#UPSTU #ProfessionalDevelopment #TeacherWellness #WorkLifeBalance #ScienceTeachers #EducationLeadership #NonCommunicableDiseases #HealthyLifestyle #PhysicalEducation

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